Monday, January 28, 2013

Sagay visit. Oh to be Pretty!

January 28

Sunday we drove to Sagay to visit and try to meet the stake president.  It takes about two and a half hours to drive there.  When we got there the Bishop asked Dan to speak a little bit about PEF.  While we were there we met one of our participants Ronald Empleo.  He plays the organ and teaches Sunday School.  He is a great teacher and we enjoyed Sunday School very much.  He is teaching computers part time at the college he attends working on his 4 year degree.  He has the best smile.  He introduced us to the mother of one of the other participants.  The mother is a very kind and humble woman who expressed worry about her daughter.  The woman is unemployed, separated from her husband and has two small children.  I left a note with her to give to her daughter introducing ourselves and giving her our contact information.  The best part of the meeting was at the end of Relief Society.  The meeting was combined with the Young Women and after the lesson I was visiting with the girls and they wanted to take pictures with us.  While we were visiting and taking pictures, I asked the girls how their Personal Progress was going.  They were excited to find out I was working on Personal Progress also.  I gave them our business card and challenged them to finish their Personal Progress before we finish our mission so I can be there when they receive their medallions'. They took lots of pictures and took many of Dan also.  I think it is so funny that the Philippino people think we are so attractive.  Dan has had two different women compliment him saying "you are so handsome". Today, as we drove up to the church, there were men working on the road and they yelled out "so pretty”.  I was shocked.  I have not been told that I was pretty in so long.  When you get to be my age, "pretty" is not the adjective used to usually describe an older woman.  It was a little surprising. 


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