Monday, May 14, 2012

First Day at the MTC

Today was the first official day of our mission.  We arrived at the Mission Training Center early, (of course) and were the first couple to arrive.  We had to then move our car to the correct parking lot making us th efirst and second couple to arrive at the center. The process was very streamlined and we were checked in and then had quite a bit of free time until lunch and the orientation meeting at 1:00 pm.  After that meeting we were organized into districts prior to a short language training schedule meeting.  All in all today was short and sweet.  We would check a box sit around, check a box and sit around.  Now tomorrow we will be working all day an into the evening.  I guess today was the short break us into the schedule day. 

I have believed that my family would be greatly blessed by our serving the Lord for this twenty-three months, but we were promised today (as I wept, they need to stop talking about us missing our families) that they would be" carried in the arms our our Savior" throught the time of our service being provided for in all ways, temporal, spiritual, and physical.  I will gladly go to serve the Lord willingly for my children and grandchildren to be" carried in the arms of my Savior" for those 23-months.  Having my family "carried in the arms of the Savior" is a much greater thing than my being able to sit at a little league game, watch a school concert or play attend graduations, or baptisms.  I am so thankful for our families support while we serve in the Philippines. 

Tonight we study, eat, and rest up for our 8:00 am until 8:00pm training tomorrow. 

P.S.  Thanks to Paul and Mo in advance for taking care of my pharmacy issue.  You are the best!


  1. I love reading your posts! I will share with Faith, you wil be missed. We will have a hole in our heart during the 23 months that you will be gone. But to be carried in the arms of our savior gives me joy, comfort, relief. I know you will be very busy doing the Lord's work but please find time to Skype, we will miss you and the countdown to December began! Can't wait!
